Fall Enrichment: Celebrating Achievements and Highlights

This semester revolved around outdoor activities, one of which involved exploring our neighborhood, Fruitvale, renowned for its vibrant murals. Students explored the stories behind these artworks, such as the mural of Oscar Grant in Fruitvale. Each of the murals showcases cultural expression, social activism, and community identity.

Building up from the previous semester, we engaged in discussions on essential topics like mental health, self-care, and personal finances. We were fortunate to host multiple guest speakers who shared their time, expertise, and personal stories with our youth. Their contributions enriched our learning environment, for which we are immensely grateful.

Students expressed their creativity through hands-on activities like sculpting pumpkins and building structures with sticks. These experiences not only provided opportunities for self-expression and creativity, but also brought us closer together, strengthening our sense of community.

To celebrate students' hard work this semester, we took a field trip to San Francisco's Embarcadero by ferry. We had a great time exploring Fisherman's Wharf, riding the High Roller, visiting Salesforce Park, enjoying delicious hamburgers, and taking in the sights.

As we wrap up this semester, we're left filled with gratitude and excitement for the future. The experiences and lessons we've shared have brought us closer and enriched our community. A very special thank you to all the guest speakers who took the time to inspire and share their knowledge with us.

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